Monday 25 December 2017



Today is the lowest you'll ever be in life, so take a selfie and preserve it because it will be part of your testimony.

TBT... Do not despise the tough moments you go through, these are the humble beginnings and source of your motivation and big testimony. Sometimes I encourage people to be strong, hopeful and persistence not because of how strong and well up I was born and brought up but because I know hopelessness, pain, and dissolution. I come from very humble beginnings, I know what it’s like to not have much, and I know what it’s like to not have food in the cupboard. All around in our village, I have worked in all the shambas there doing Mabutis, I have severally been given a job to dig pit latrines and sometimes a job offer to work as a shamba boy somewhere in Nyandarua. I had to go to high school not affording even a pen and was given work-study opportunities to do mjengos in the same school to raise school fees. Most of the problems and challenges that I went through instilled in me Godliness and the spirit of humanity which steered in me to serve with such bodies like Young-life, Good Samaritan, Africa Youth Rescue Initiative, Kenya Red-cross and St John Ambulance and through this, I have impacted thousands of people in our republic.

Whatever you might be going through today will soon be your funny TBT, You will be laughing at where you have come from and for sure there will be a great testimony out of what you are going through today. God is working behind the scenes on your case and He purposes to greatly favor you. It shall be well with you.

Zachariah 4:10, Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin... A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. You need to keep fighting, persevere, endure and through patience, your dream will become a reality. Strong enough to make holes in the rock are tiny drops of water that persist to fall. Persistence is the attitude that breaks down mountains one rock at a time!

Do not despise little beginnings. It'll all make sense as you're staring at an opportunity that you realize the difficult moments merely prepared you for.

Every big castle was once started with a single block; despise not small beginnings. A little step taken every day builds up the hope of greater accomplishments. Do something every day!

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