Sunday 25 December 2016

The age of consent in Kenya is set to be reduced from 18 to 16

Hi everyone! I need your help!!!! As you may have heard. The age of consent in Kenya is set to be reduced from 18 to 16. It's a real travesty.
Underage girls forced to marry in Kenya

I vehemently opposed to these amendments for s. 8(5) for the following reasons:
• Reducing or lowering the age of consent for sex will increase forced, early, transnational and child marriages in Kenya;
• It will result to increased defilement, rape and/or sexual assault cases in Kenya;
• It will increase teenage pregnancies, unsafe abortions and deaths resulting;
• It will have a negative effect on efforts around reducing new HIV infections, Sexually Transmitted diseases especially and among adolescent girls; and
• It will have a negative precedence to the girl child rights and efforts that have been ongoing towards protecting the girl child, who still at eighteen is within the at risk population;
• It will directly, negatively affect the full potential of the girl child. It will also be a roll back on the gains the Government is making in addressing FGM, which tends to lead to child marriages, affecting the health and future economic security of girls;
The proposed amendment while attempting to deal with the issue of offender and victims of the same age in consensual relationships is actually not resolving the issue. Instead it fails to address this. We are therefore vehemently opposed to these amendments for s. 8(7) for the following reasons:
• It is not in the best interest of the child especially the boy child
• This amendment contravenes the Borstal Institutions Act (Cap 92) and the Children’s Act (Cap 141) that protects child offenders.
• The net effect of this amendment is the protection of adult sexual offenders at the expense of the child offender and victim.

If you don't support this please engage with me directly we discuss. Thank you!!!

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