Friday 23 December 2016

I HEAR HIS WHISPER... "I love you even in your struggle and weakness."

Struggle and weakness

While you are still far off, I run to you in restoration. While you are still speaking your words of repentance, I am forgiving you. While you are pondering your future, I have gone before you to open up the way. While you are asleep, I place My grace over you. While you hope that your family is healed, I am at work in hearts to make you whole.

Within you is a deep need. That need is for My grace and mercy. More than a Companion to you, I will be Strength and Grace in your every moment. Not one thing will keep Me from cleansing you and empowering you in My grace. I will use you even in your weakness to bring healing to your family. Look to Me and hope in Me. Place all your expectations in Me and I will never disappoint you. Do not expect your family to change, but expect Me to change your heart and then I will change your family and bring them to Me.

Every time you feel this deep need, receive more of My grace. Like a river that always seeks the lowest place, My grace runs down into the deepest need of your heart and fills it to overflowing. Soon you will leap over every way and run victoriously through the ranks of the enemy's forces that have come against you. I will train you in My grace to win every battle and defeat the discouragement that has sought to muffle your voice. You will rise and run into My grace and find all that you need, for I am the Extravagant Father who understands you fully. So come and expect Me, the Faithful One, to work through you change the world around you.

2 Timothy 1:12 The Passion Translation

"The confidence of my calling enables me to overcome every difficulty without shame, for I have an intimate revelation of this God. And my faith in Him convinces me that He is more than able to keep all that I’ve placed in His hands safe and secure until the fullness of His appearing."

Thank You LORD, Your GRACE is GREATER than all my sins and every circumstance in my life. Praise, Honor and Glory to Your Name Forever and Ever!

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