Thursday 15 December 2016

Never Stop Believing in Hope


Never stop hoping. Never give up. Never underestimate the power that is within you. If you fall, stand up, dust yourself and move on. You have a vision, stick to it.

Abraham had a promise, he had no map, no gps but a promise of a land flowing with milk and honey. Despite the many challenges on the way, he kept on moving. He overcame because He trusted Him who had made a promise.

You have been through a lot this year (I lost my job last March), I encourage you to thank God that you are alive today and as Long as you have God on your side, who can be against you. Circumstances change but He who is seated on the throne does not change. His plan for your life has not changed. You shall come out of the furnace refined. The Potter is still working on you.

Praise God right where you are. It is easy to praise Him when all is well. But because of your praise in time of trouble, the Lord will raise up His standard for you because of His namesake!

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