Tuesday 13 December 2016



And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:19

I HEAR THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD SAYING YOU ARE CROSSING INTO A SEASON OF DIVINE SUPPLY. I am about to release the bounty of heaven over your life. I am about to bless you like never before. Everything that the locust has eaten, the canker worm, the caterpillar, the palmer worm I about to restore for you!

I AM ABOUT TO PREPARE A TABLE IN THE PRESENCE OF YOUR ENEMIES! Even those who don’t like you will bless you in this season! You are coming into favor and it will cover you like honey! You will receive special treatment. THOSE WHO DID NOT HONOR YOU THE LAST SEASON WILL HONOR YOU NOW. Some people are about to apologize to you. When they do apologize please use wisdom. You don’t have to give them the same access they had before. God allowed their true colors to be shown for a specific reason. Trust is earned.

YOUR SEASON OF ABUNDANCE IS AT HAND! God is about to meet every single one of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus! He has heard your prayers. In this season the prodigals you have been praying for are coming home! In this season I heard God saying, “I am opening up the communication lines!” Friendships and relationships that have been dormant are coming back to life. I am healing broken hearts and righting wrongs.

The Lord is about to provide financially for you.

Doors of employment are opening. EVEN THOSE PLACES THAT YOU APPLIED WILL BE CALLING YOU BACK. The Lord has now released a grace for promotion, new assignments, new positions, raises, bonuses and gifts! He is also revealing to you the changes you must make. MANY OF YOU HAVE INSERTED THE RIGHT KEY BUT HAVE NOT TURNED IT RIGHT AND OPENED THE DOOR. It is the little tweaks that make the difference.

THIS SEASON OF SUPPLY WILL MARK YOUR LIFE. While many look at what they can get from God, He is going to bless you because of your gratitude. He is pleased with the work He is doing in you. NOW HE CAN MOVE AROUND YOU AND THROUGH YOU. He has brought you to your knees because that is where He can deal with the pride in your heart. Now that your heart is in the right place you can move on from this lesson.

In this season you will be able to finance the Gospel of Jesus Christ like never before! Get ready to give like you really have wanted to give!

THE LANGUAGE OF WEALTH IS GENEROSITY. God is such a generous God. Because you were created in His image, you are called to be generous as well. I see in the Spirit a continual divine flow. As you bless others the blessings of God will chase you down. Surplus is on its way! Increase is here! Position yourself now to be a blessing and as you are He will cause His goodness to overtake you on all sides.

Freely you have received… now freely give. - Matthew 10:8


Praise, Honor and Glory to GOD Forevermore!

By Rene Picota

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