Thursday 22 December 2016



1. Be specific. What are you praying for?

2. Talk to God directly. Prayer is relational

3. Clear all distractions. That's why people close their eyes when praying. But remember, you can pray opening your eyes. You can also close your eyes but your mind is distracted.

4. Know that you can pray anywhere, anytime

5. Know that because prayer is relational, that means you have your own unique way of praying. Don't copy another person. Be you

6. Don't think other people have God's audience more than you because of their title or because they look "more righteous". God doesn't have favourites

7. Don't let sin keep you from prayer. You don't have to be a certain way to pray. Even if you sinned a second ago, because prayer is relational, you can approach God for forgiveness and mercy immediately

8. Believe in what you are praying for

9. Pray in line with God's word and will. Mention the Scripture in your prayer. The Bible says God's word will not return to Him void but will accomplish the purpose for which it was for

10. Accompany your prayers with praise and worship, especially when you have more time

11. Follow the model given to us of the "Lord's prayer"

12. When you're praying with others, be sensitive and accommodative in your length of prayer and language used

13. Be humble

14. Listen to God even as you pray. Prayer is relational. It's not just you talking. It's your spirit connecting with the Spirit of God

15. Remember to pray for others

16. Pray without ceasing

17. Be thankful in your prayer

18. Pray in Jesus name

© Dayan Masinde and Akello Oliech

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