Friday 12 February 2016

Lord requires His people to maintain their integrity

The fashions and customs of the world, pride, love of amusement, love of display, extravagance in dress, in houses, in lands—these are robbing the treasury of God, turning to the gratification of self the means which should be used to send forth the light of truth to the world.

The children of the light and of the day are not to gather about them the shades of night and darkness which encompass the workers of iniquity. On the contrary, they are to stand faithfully at their post of duty as light bearers, gathering light from God to shed upon those in darkness. The Lord requires His people to maintain their integrity, touching not—that is, imitating not—the practices of the ungodly.
Christians will be in this world “an holy nation, a peculiar people,” showing forth the praises of.

Him who hath called them “out of darkness into his marvellous light.” This light is not to grow dim, but to shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. The thrilling truth that has been sounding in our ears for many years, “The Lord is at hand; be ye also ready,” is no less the truth today than when we first heard the message.

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